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Tribute to Benoït Violet


这位正处于事业巅峰 – La Liste全球1000家顶尖餐厅排名第一, 2012年接手瑞士传奇三星餐厅Hôtel de Ville-Crissier – 的主厨在44岁的壮年, 自杀离世, 留下令世人不解的遗憾.

我正巧在他自尽前一周去这间餐厅用餐, 主厨热情地带我们参观厨房, 邀我们一起合照. 灿烂大方的笑容彷佛仍在眼前.


非常惊艳于餐厅在各方面的高水平: 亲切不造做的服务, 精彩丰富的酒单酒藏, 然而最重要的还是其手艺. 我认为已经得到Joël Robuchon名厨的真传, 在我不多的用餐经验中, 他是少数能将摆盘的颜色, 精致细腻的刀工与和谐深邃的滋味, 达到同样颠峰高度的主厨.

他的手艺是世界厨艺的一则传奇, 而他的离世则是留下一个难以弥补的空缺. 仅以此小文向这位厨师致敬.

Restaurant Hotel de Ville-Crissier, Suisse

Add: Rue d’Yverdon 1, 1023 Crissier, Suisse

Chung-Tao Hsieh

Has just published a book in Chinese distributed in Taiwan on the French gastronomy «Les Restaurants étoilés selon Chung-Tao”, Mook Publishing. Chung Tao continues his collaboration with Conde Nast Travelers on the disctrict of “Le Marais” in Paris as well as a report on the Parisian luxury hotels. He drafts the gastronomic column “Michelin Gourmet” in the monthly magazine Traveler-Luxe and the paper for “La Revue du Vin de France”. He works at present with “Travel Channel Asia” for a series of broadcasts “Art de Vivre à la française”. Chung-Tao Hsieh is listed in the prestigious "Who's Who Wine & Spirit".